
How long does hissing go on for when introducing new cats to one old cat?

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I have two new cats and one old cat. New cats about 5 months old, old cat about 10 years old. We have had the new cats for two months and have kept them seperated until now. All are boys, all are declawed, all are fixed. We started introductions today up close and personal with all three. Until now its just been threw doors and cages. So how long does the hard hissing go on for.




  1. So sorry to hear that they have all had their toes amputated. This will make the transition more difficult, as declawed (de-toed) cats are more stressed under these circumstances. Inappropriate urination may occur. You did the right thing with the slow introduction, but asking a 10 year old declawed cat to accept 2 kittens is asking a lot. My 10 year old NM started spraying (after he recovered from serious stress-related illness) when I introduced a rescued 7 month old neutered male into the our home. I used Feliway and flower essences. I tried an anti-anxiety medication from the vet, but my older cat seemed miserable on it. The hissing may continue indefinately, or the cats may come to accept each other. It depends on the cats. They are at a disadvantage due to being declawed. Give them lots of praise and treats and try to remain calm. If you are stressed, the cats will be more stressed. If you speak in a soft, comforting voice, and offer lots of treats (lunch meat, chicken, fish...whatever they really love) the cats will be more likely to adapt to the new situation and associate it with positive reinforcement.

  2. It depends on how much time they spend in the same area.if you just leave them alone in the same room or same house with open access to each other about 2 weeks.If you keep them separated as long as you already have it may take months.By keeping them apart as long as you have you have alienated all 3 of them.Hopefully they will eventually get along but in fact they may not ever all 3 get along because they were separated yet could smell each other for 2 months.

  3. Cats can take a long time an all of them are different. I saved a 5 year old person about 8 months ago put her in kitty condo for the first week so my 2 older females could get used to her smell now the new cat had never lived with other cats it has taken time but they are getting along now an then i have a spat. Its better that your cat is younger your older cat is going to make sure the new kid knows he is the boss.

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