
How long does inquest last?

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my dads inquest comming up does it usualy last more than the day, he got disharged and died couple hours later collaps lung just wondering how long lasts ie would it be next day or would there be another day set if went on




  1. So sorry to hear about your dad. The Coroner is obliged to hold an inquest in the case of sudden or unexpected death.  The aim of the inquest is to find out, where, when, and how the deceased came to their death (and occasionally to find out the identity of the deceased).

    During an inquest, the coroner can call upon all witnesses who have relevant information concerning the enquiry.

    I would suspect it won't take long, unless there are disputes between the "experts", though the Coroner will take as long as he needs. I had to attend one a few years ago, where the Coroner heard evidence from the police, the doctor and the pathologist at the hospital and the family GP and it was all over in an hour or so.

  2. Sorry about you dad. Hope you and the family are coping.

    I would say that an inquest lasts as long as it needs to. There can be so many things to discuss and other things that may come up as a result of something else etc. It's impossible to put a time limit on these things. I imagine that it would carry on the next day as the information has to be fresh in everyone's mind. Hop it goes ok anyway.

  3. As long as it takes!

  4. My deepest sympathy. I am sorry for your loss.

    I was a member of a coroner's jury for an inquest in Pennsylvania a few years ago.  The length of the inquest will depend on the amount of evidence that is presented. The evidence consists of an autopsy plus witness testimony.  Once all of the evidence is presented, the coroner's jury meets to discuss the evidence and render a verdict as to the cause of death.

    In the case in which I was a member of the jury, the case was heard on three separate evenings rather than during the day. A lot depends on local practice, as well as the availability of courtrooms in the courthouse.

    So, my answer is a rather indefinite answer.  It really depends on a number of things --  the evidence that is presented, the availability of courthouse resources, and whether the coroner's jury can come to a quick decision.

  5. I am so sorry about your Dad. An Inquest can last a number of days it all depends how much evidence there is to hear.

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