
How long does insomnia last when stopping olanzapine?

by  |  earlier

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I have stopped taking this medication and have not sleeped for a week and cannot see any end yet




  1. erm ^^^^^^^^ yup... medications after sudden stop often have reverse effects

  2. it sounds like with the not sleeping and the withdrawal symptoms posted in an earlier question, you have stopped these cold turkey.

    what dosage where you on to start with, did you gradually decrease them?

    i really think you need to see your GP or care person and get this sorted as leaving it will only hinder your recovery.

  3. I HOPE you talked with your doctor before you stopped this. Stopping a benzodiazapene is HARD and you will have transient insomnia for a couple of months..... be careful!!!

    Benadryl has been known to help with sleep as well as melatonin.

  4. If you havent in fact slept for a week you should see your doctor immediately.

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