
How long does it actually take to become pregnant after there has been a penetration of sperm into egg?

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How long does it actually take to become pregnant after there has been a penetration of sperm into egg?




  1. It takes about 6-10 days for the egg to make it down the fallopian tube and implant.  You aren't actually pregnant until that occurs.

  2. You are technically pregnant several days after that. The egg and sperm generally meet in the fallopian tube and it takes several days for the egg to make its way to the uterus where it must successfully implant. Once implanted, it starts producing HCG which is the stuff detected by home pregnancy tests. however, HCG only double every 66 hours or so so you need to give it time to increase enough to a detectable level. This is usually by the time you next period is due, or two weeks from Ovulation.

  3. It depends on what you define as pregnant. Technically, you could consider yourself pregnant right then. Within the next few days, the egg goes and implants on the wall of the uterus and then you are definitely pregnant.

    But you still won't necessarily get a positive pregnancy test for two or three weeks, because your hormones don't get to a high enough level to show up in your urine until then.  

  4. About 6 to 12 days after fertilization the egg will implant into the uterus.

  5. I believe  a week after. Implantation occurs.

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