
How long does it take 4 cheque to clear?

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as in be deducted from your account? usually




  1. 3 working days (a working day is Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday)

  2. it actually depend completely on your bank, Abbey is 5 working day, wear-as Halifax is 3. although most backs are now taking as little as 3 working days

  3. Deducted: within a day.

    Credited: 3 days or more.

  4. In addition to the answers below, take care as although it takes 3 working days to clear, a bank can return a cheque unpaid up to 6 working days after receipt.  Therefore although your bank has deemed the funds clear for you to withdraw, the drawers bank can still return after the 3 day period

  5. It's usually deducted about 5 working days after being paid in (with HSBC in the UK anyway...)

  6. We, as a limited company, had a cheque for £10,000 backed on us by Lloyd's, 62 days after it showed as a cleared balance, and the ombudsman refused take action against them as he felt it was a reasonable action, the editor of the Money Section of the Times also declined to act in this matter! corruption reigns supreme.

  7. Not so fast, folks! There has been a LOT of fraud lately with cashier's checks and money orders. If it's drawn on a major national bank with offices near where the recipient lives it should clear in a day or so. However many checks from obscure local banks can take weeks to clear in some cases. The fraudsters have become so good with their fake checks that it's possible to take as long as 20 days or more for a bogus cashier's check to bounce. There is an ad campaign running on TV about fake checks and anyone who has seen the ads (or been burned by one) will be rather cautious about a check received from an unknown person. I always present cashier's checks for collection at my credit union. That way the check isn't credited to my account until it has cleared at the paying bank and has been confirmed as paid. That adds a couple of days processing time but avoids the chargebacks and bad check fees if the check is bogus. Most clear (or reject) within 3 to 5 days but I've had a couple take nearly 20 days to confirm as paid. And one bad one didn't come back for 23 days. It sounds like the seller is being prudent. Be patient. By the way, you can confirm clearance through your bank as well. Once it clears, contact the seller and verify that fact.

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