
How long does it take a 13 yr old boys pubic hair to grow back?

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Hey i'm 13 yr old boy and i shaved my pubic hair. i didn't really shave it becuase i used scissors. anyway i cut it really short. i'm scared i might get ingrown hairs. but i just wanted to know how long untill it grows back. also i have little red dots what are those in my pubic area. last but not least i cut my self in the t******l area i just cut some skin but i started to bleed for a long time. will i get infected. someone please help me i'm scared...




  1. for it to grow back depending how short u cut it, it might take a month or more posibly less. i dont know how long it would take cause i shave and dont let it grow. as long as you clean yourself down ther everyday you should be ok

  2. First Do not use scissors down there Dont thats wrong lol no seriously dont do that ..Its dangerous .

    As far as the cut is concerned it depends on how deep it is ,, if you just broke the skin. Try Neosporin or peroxide or something like that to clean the cut with. Don't put a band aid on it it needs air to heal. Just wear shorts if you have them but no under wear if you can because you need as much air to get to it as possible and underwear will stop that from happening.. Also i know its embarassing but you need to show the cut to youre Dad or and another male who is youre guardian to see if you need medical attention. dont be ashamed be safe ..

    As far as you're hair that depends on growth rate it should be back in 6 weeks though.

    The red dots could be a number of thing .. make sure you shower often and scrub down there ... im not being funny about that alot of guys don't and it causes infections .I would try Hydrocortisone Cream, and Gold bond medicated powder . Just keep it clean air it out and show that cut to someone just to be safe.

  3. a month

  4. You won't get in grown hairs if you didnt shave the area, even if you do they will go away within a week or so. And you culd get infected but its very unlikley. So just relax you are fine. Don't worry about it. And everyones hair grows at a different rate but it should grow back withing a week or two depending how short you cut it.


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