
How long does it take a bunny to.....?

by  |  earlier

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ok so I was wondering how long it takes a bunny to give birth!?!?! and after it DOES give birth, how long do the baby bunnies have to stay with the mom?




  1. if the girl is pregnant it can take a month for her to have her babies, after the babies or born it usually takes 6 weeks for the babies to be fully weaned off of there mother.

  2. IF the doe is pregnate it depends on the breed but anywhere from 30-34 days she can have the babys and you should place a nesting box in the cage at day 28 or when she is molting (pulling belly hair and placing it in a corner)

    YOU can get rid of the babys at 9-12 weeks of age 12 recomended but at like 10 weeks u have to seperat the boys from the girls or they can reproduce.  

  3. threee months and 2 to 3 moths

  4. Well that depends whether you mean labour or pregnancy duration? If its the latter then 3 weeks. If its labour she'll start nesting 3 days before hand... then on D-day, she'll take anywhere between 1 hour and 2 hours in labour before you see one. Although there are exceptions to that and im going by personal experience with my own bunnies. The bunnies should stay with mom for as long as possible. I usually leave mine on until 8 weeks. After that you need to separate boys and girls. Then your bunnies should be big enough. I usually don't rehome them until they're 12 weeks though so that they're more independant in the same area they were born in and are more comfortable and healthy going to new homes =]

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