
How long does it take a cat to have her kittens?

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How long does it take a cat to have her kittens?




  1. Gestation is 63 days.

    Once a cat begins labor and (hoping there are no complications) it can take anywhere from 1-8 hours total.  If she is pushing for more than 2 hours between kittens without a delivery she may have a kitten stuck in the birth canal and trip to the vet is necessary.

    Make sure you keep her on a high-quality KITTEN food since it has more calories all the way from now until she has weaned the kittens.  GOOD LUCK!

  2. 3 months. Make sure there is a dark and cool place in ur house for her and her kittens. kittens need wet(canned) or soft food after milking.

    my cat had kitens and I got a big box.

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