
How long does it take a check that i deposite over the weekend to clear from bank of amercia?

by  |  earlier

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if anyone knows please help im from Orlando FL. I will give extra points for this question. THANKS EVERY ONE




  1. If it's a check that you deposited into YOUR account, it should clear at midnight the day you deposit it. If not, by Monday at the very latest!

  2. The deposit will post on Monday.  However, check the bank's "funds availability" policy.

  3. it shuld be cleared by monday if not then  3-7 business days

  4. your check will clear in 3 days from Monday..

  5. Deposited by Friday (closing) expect it by Tuesday.

  6. i have bank of america and if i deposit on Friday it will usually clear on monday

  7. 3-7 business days

  8. If you deposited through the ATM it can take 3-5 business days.  If you put it in a drop box, it will post by Monday, unless you deposited it late Friday. Then it would post Saturday. good luck!

  9. 3-7  business days, or   on  monday

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