
How long does it take a child support Modification order to be served?

by  |  earlier

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Also, we were seperated but got horny and our sexcapade ended up with me pregnant. Can I add this child to the order without looking like a jerk?




  1. the length of time it takes for the papers to b served all depends on how backed up the court is or the server..

    as far as the other child...once paternity is established after the birth of the other child then you can go back to court and have the order modified..

  2. You have to add the child - how are you the jerk when its his as well?  Anyway - in my state/county he has 10 days upon receiving the order to respond - once he responds to the order - it could - and did - take 30 days before any $ was received.  So figure yourself 60 days from submitting it - it may take that long.

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