
How long does it take a deer to die if shot in the lung with an arrow? heart?

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I want to know about how long it takes a deer to die if shot by ARROW in the lung, and the same for heart.




  1. To all you people who dont know, if we dont kill some of them there would be way to many of them for their habitat and they  would be sick and hungry all the time! Get over it !


    oh i wonder how you would feel if a deer shot you in the heart or lung and watched you die a slow painful death.

    give me a thumbs down i dont care!

    but all you people are SICK!

  3. if an arrow pierced the heart, the deer should die quickly (within a minute) because it would bleed to death.

    lungs - about half hour.

  4. i see you got some good answers from the hunters and some un wanted opinions from the feminine side but i would like to add they all do die at a different rate but i would let my deer lay there about an hour just to be safe because if you approach it and it is not dead and it jumps up it can hurt you very bad with its hooves and could kill you if you couldn't get medical attention in time.better safe than sorry

  5. I don't know about arrows for sure but I shot a deer in the lung once and I had to track it in the bush for 45min. and when I found it it was still breathing. It was lying down under a tree in the snow and I had to shoot it again to kill it.

  6. Some deer will drop on the spot, some will run off a short distance, while some will run off a long distance.  There is no way to know exactly how a deer will react when arrowed.

  7. 13-25 minutes or it was dead and you just shot it for fun

    Make sure you shoot it in the right place

  8. If you get a good shot on him. Just stay put for 20-30 minute's that will give him time to go lay down. Then go look ,you should find him in 100-200 yard's. (mmm good eatin)

  9. Depends on how important the character is. If he has something important to say he will say it before he dies, no matter how long it takes.

    if he was just an extra It will die instantly no matter where it is hit.

  10. Until it's heart stops beating.  Don't approach it until you know it's dead because it will bolt and die where you can't find it.

  11. it all depends on how far you shoot it from but if it pierces the lung is should drown in its own blood within two minutes if it doesnt die instantly and in the heart it will most likely die on the spot

  12. Hunters are very "brave" when it comes to shooting creatures that don't shoot back.

  13. Depends how far your shot is.

    Any shot in the heart should drop right there.

    a double lung shot may run anywhere to 45 to75 yards.

  14. I've been a hunter all my life, I started with a shot gun, then a rifle and now I bow hunt for deer.  When a deer is shot in the lungs or heart he can last for several minutes before collasping.  In several minutes at a running speed of 30+ miles an hour that can be quit a distance.  The rule of thumb is not to chase the wounded, because the deers adrenaline will make them run that much farther, so keep your position for at least 20 minutes then begin the hunt for your venison.

  15. Horrible Question. WHY DO PEOPLE HUNT FOR FUN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I dunno. Look it up. I think there is one reliable question here. {not me}

  16. There are many variables at play here. Arrows don't kill the same way as bullets, they cut and the animal bleeds to death quite quickly but not fast enough for me to hunt with a bow. My choice and I'm not putting down the sport. The lung shot has lots of bleeding and the animal can't breath well so it won't run too far or too long. Heart and lung shortens that time even more buy pumping blood into the chest cavity not through the veins and arteries.

    I have helped track too many wounded deer shot by non-practiced archers.

  17. this is ******* sick! u shouldnt shoot deer, particularly with an arrow. if you must be bloodthirsty and caveman-ish do it with a gun and cause the least possible pain to the poor animal.

  18. It really changes with each shot.  I am a lifelong hunter and have killed many deer and each one is different.  I have had some drop instantly and others that I didn't think I would ever find because they went so far.  The most important thing is to wait 10 or more minutes after taking the shot and then try to track the animal.

  19. -There's no exact answer to that.  

    -I  am a hunter and have killed my share of deer and the only thing that is the same is it is always different with each shot you take.  

    -Most of the time it is less than a minute, (it seams a lot longer).  

    -You have to remember too arrow's are Not bullets.  Bones will deflect them more than they deflect a bullet's.  

    -But by no means is it inhuman, those are razor sharp blades you are firing.  

    I hope I helped you out.

  20. It depends some deer are stronger than other and can run for a good while just follow the blood line on the ground.

  21. It depends largely on the arrowhead for a lung shot.  A head that does not slice cleanly and allow copious hemorrhage sometimes is survived.  Any projectile that pierces the heart will result in death in minutes.  So if you're hunting with a bow, make sure your arrowheads are new and sharp and never hunt with target arrows.

  22. lung shot could be hours and miles.. heart shot pretty much in their tracks but sometime they can go a ways not knowing theyr are dead....

  23. I shot one in the lungs last year and it rand about 20 yards. That was a 52 yard shot. 2 years ago I hit one in the heart at 74 yards and it went about 15 feet.

  24. Here's the deal. A deer that is shot broadside and you get an arrow through both lungs will die in 7 seconds due to a lack of oxygen to the brain- however, the deer will go into a death run that can take him from 100 yards to 300 yards to fall and die- each deer is a little different, because each deer is not hit in the exact same spot- the heart shot deer is about the same, but I have found in over 35 years of bow hunting, that the double lung shot will drop a deer a little quicker then the heart shot- unless it is a spine shot, all arrow shot deer are killed by the loss of blood to the brain.- The answer is what I have stated above- the deer will die in 7 seconds, on average,if hit in lungs or heart. Good luck this hunting season!

  25. within 2 to 15 mins

  26. horrible!...that is so sick...why do people kill deer anyway?


  28. It varies depending on exactly where the arrow hits, the size and condition of thr deer, and whether the deer has been running right before it was shot. Average is about a minute, but it can be up to about 10 minutes.

  29. got no use for people who use arrows---what if your off target just a little or hit the deer in  the  flank and it can run off and take days to die and all the time suffering---i would think this happens lot's of times

  30. This depends on how you deal with the deer after the shot.  If you give it time to lay down and bleed out, it will die within a half hour on either shot.  If you push the deer it will keep pumping blood instead of losing it through the wound, and this can take forever, and you might lose the deer.  Rule of thumb, stay in your stand or blind for a half hour after the shot.  If you hit it in the lung or heart the blood trail is easy to pick up.

  31. From several minutes to several hours.

    That is why any responsible hunter should always wait for a few minutes, then follow the deer. When you find it, as soon as possible, deliver the "coup de grace". Failure to do so is evil and cruel, and would demonstrate, that you do not have respect for the life you have taken, as every proper hunter should.

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