
How long does it take a dog on petz5 to have its litter???

by  |  earlier

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My dog on petz5 just got pregnant, and i need to know how long it takes for them to have its littler. Any help??




  1. well with normal real dogs it takes about 2 months, 63 days to be exact, but i really dont play video games all that much so i would read the game info maybe? or try posting in another section :)

  2. About 4-5 days for petz

  3. a dog usally takes about 3 to 4 mo. to have their litters........ i would have her spayed after she has this litter its healthier for them and you wont en up with unwanted or no game i never played so i dont know nothing about that game but in real life have her spayed

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