
How long does it take a ship to sail from seattle to san francisco?

by Guest63312  |  earlier

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How long does it take a ship to sail from seattle to san francisco?




  1. Most ships sail on a schedule. Their schedules are normally posted somewhere.

    A cruise ship or a container ship will make this trip in 2 days. They travel about 20 knots or about 500 miles per day, but going in and out of harbor is a slower process. The port in Seattle is a long way from the open sea which slows things down.



  2. It is about 700 miles between the two points.

    As far as time is concerned, it depends on the ship. Most large ship (i.e. ocen liners) go around 30 to 40 knots 34-46 mph.

    At that speed it be about 15 to 18 hours

  3. what kind of ship?  sail or cruise?  cruising speed?  

    so many variables....

    how about a rough guess of two days

  4. 12 hrs

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