
How long does it take after we got someone to spray for roaches and fleas for them all to die??

by  |  earlier

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there are still some running around why didn't they die??? ahhhh i can't believe i paid 100.00 and still have them!




  1. Roaches..should be quick, but really have to be baited right to ensure success. Fleas are trickier and will take a lot longer. There is no chem. that will penetrate the flea eggs so you will keep hatching and rehatching for awhile.

    If the job was not done well, they need to come back. And quite honestly, $100.00 is dirt cheap for two target pests..I don't have a good feeling about the company you used..sorry.

  2. how fast did you expect them to be gone long were you told they would be active?

    Fleas :  one of their stages they are in a "cocoon"..the chemical does not effect that stage and depending one when they went into that stage it can take a couple off weeks or longer for them to emerge before contacting any insecticide

    Roaches :one ootheca can contain 1to 2 dozen baby many were dropped the  before the treatment was done

    $100 bucks is on the low side for companies that charge an initial charge for should come with a re treatment guarantee after an acceptable amount of time has passed to give the treatment a chance to work as designed

  3. it can take multiple visits...give it a day or so and see if they are less..if not call them back

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