
How long does it take an insurance company to settle a claim with you and pay you for damages?

by  |  earlier

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I was in a bad car wreck and damaged my back, I'm asking for the company to pay for damages to my car and doctor bills. How long will I know if they are going to pay.




  1. If it's not your insurance company, if they don't say right away, "we'll pay your bills", they probably aren't going to pay all your bills.

  2. Try to possess as much information as you can maybe is one option,however it is time consuming,here is the one i have ever had good experience with.

  3. First off, you have two seperate claims.  Your first claim is for the property damage and the second is for bodily injury.  Most states have "Fair Claim Practices Act" that each adjuster must adhere too.  My state has a specific provision that says you can't hold up the settlement of one coverage in an effect to settle the other.  Meaning they can't withhold settling the PD claim trying to get you to settle the BI early.  

    Now, with that being said, the PD claim should be settled very quickly if your vehicle is totaled.  The main sticking point could be the value of the car.  The BI claim would be handled differently.  They will not pay for any medical bills or expenses on your behalf until you are ready to settle the claim.  The insurance company has an obligation to protect its policyholder against claims.  They will want to secure a release before payment is made.  The other reason why they will wait to pay for medical expenses is to verify the treatment is reasonable and necessary.  Some patients like to over treat because it feels good or doctors will over treat because they know where the payment is coming from.  Unless your doctors have filed a lein against the settlement or the bills have been paid by your health carrier, the insurance company will pay you directly and you will need to pay your providers.    

  4. You do not indicate to which insurer you are making claims.  Yours, or the other driver's ?  If it is your insurer, you will be paid for your car loss rather quickly, assuming you have collision coverage.  They're not going to pay your medical bills.

    If you were a passenger in someone else's car, it can get dicey.  You may have to go to court to obtain a settlement.

  5. Going by past experience I'd say they'll drag it out as long as possible unless you keep on at them.

    Contact the insurance ombudsman if they don't play ball.

    Hope you're feeling better soon, it's bad enough being injured without all this added stress.

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