
How long does it take before exercise makes you feel good?

by  |  earlier

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I have begun an exercise regime (doctor instructed and overlooked) and everybody tells me that I will feel so much better after exercising. I was wondering... when does this begin because I'm absolutely miserable. It takes everything I have to force myself into exercising because I'm so wore out and tired afterwards.




  1. Exercise should make you feel good about 2 weeks after you start. But let me tell you, it's not going to make you feel good if you are over doing it and over-tiring yourself. From what you've said, it looks like the exercise is too 'heavy' for you. Don't bother about what the doctor is saying. Start at a pace which you're comfortable with. Doctors will always say "you have to do it 30 mins daily, 5 times a week, if not there won't be results." But how realistic is this? Can you imagine how miserable you'll feel if you're forcing yourself to do that 30 mins of exercise? I can share my experience with you. I started skipping 2 months ago. Back then, I could only skip 30 times. That took me only 2 minutes. And I could not do anymore. I was tired and out of breath. So I didnt 'push' myself further. I gradually increased it to 40, 50, 70 and now I can skip over 500 times. And this takes me 30 mins (including the warm up and cool down). And I feel great! If I had taken my doctor's advice and forced through the 30 minutes right from the start, I would have given up long time ago. So this is how exercise is supposed to be. Now it's fun and I feel good. Hope this helps you. Listen to your body. Not your doctor, not to anyone else. You will know when it's fine. And you will know when you're doing too much. Good luck with your weight loss efforts. :)

  2. It doesn't really make me feel good. Only when I get on the scales and see I've lost weight... :)

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