
How long does it take before i become a US citizen

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i have a green holder so i know that after 5 years in the country i can apply for citizenship i have plan for that . So if apply for citizenship how long will it take before i receive my citizenship thing ?




  1. check

    check processing time of the N 400 form and you will know how much it take these days.

  2. Yeah

    it depends on where you live.  My mom started this whole thing 6 months ago and just last week she had the ceremony.  In total there were more than 800 people there.  So just make sure to pass the test the first time or else it will take longer.

    Funny thing is that more than 400 of them were from Mexico.  

    Viva mis Mexicanos!

  3. It depends in which city do you live. Some cities take more time than other because of the # of requests.

    For example, Los Angeles is one of the most slow cities to process because of the high demand of applications. As I know, it takes approx. 18 months to get the final appoiment.

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