
How long does it take before i feel comfortable swinging and jabbing with my left hand?

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How long until I feel like i can knock someone out with just my left hand. Im a right handed fighter.




  1. Stand in front of the mirror and hit yourself in the face left first then right .Compare damage to face and soreness to arms

  2. Jabs should already be with your left hand. Strengthening your jabs to the point where you can KO with them should take quite some time. You might want to try southpawing it for a little while to build up a good left straight. I don't know why you'd want to do this, because a good right is always there.

  3. As a right handed boxer, your left is vital.  To answer your first question, your comfort level will depend on how much you practice with your left and how much use it has had previously.  One good way to increase the muscle control in your hand is to (if this is possible with your lifestyle) place tape or other object around your right hand.  This mandates using your left hand for EVERYTHING in your life.  This might seem trivial, but when paired with a regimen of intense training for your jabs and hooks, your left will quickly become much more accurate and powerful.  Similarly, do a lot of exercises for different muscle groups with your left hand.  Strengthen your wrist (using a number of commercial solutions).  This will help you feel more comfortable making solid contact and throwing your left hip into your hooks (and sometimes your jabs).  

    Remember that your left won't probably generate enough power to consistently knock someone out.  The power of the left hand often comes from its ability to be thrown on top of your opponents right, as a counter punch.  This is particularly true if you are a true boxer instead of a brawler and if you are taller (easier to throw over the top of other punches).  

    In training, work on solid combinations of double jabs, double hooks, and work in using your right as well (don't forget about him).  Work on taking your left to the body, its a weird punch to try to throw and will leave you very vulnerable, but if you can throw it as you move to your right, you can avoid your opponents right and often sneak in a good body shot.  

    Generally speaking though, muscle/muscle memory will develop and return to previous levels over the course of about 6 weeks of serious training.  This can be shortened through intensity of workout, but if your body is not ready for this, you risk doing serious damage (I'm sure you know this if you are a boxer).  Just stay with it, I advise you to use your left in your life outside the gym more.  Try using your left for your fork and your right for your knife (or visa versa if that's the case).  Changing this up will dramatically increase your ability to fine tune your muscle control and increase your accuracy (the key factor in besides speed in a jab).  

    Lastly,  don't worry about knocking someone out with your left.  If it happens it happens, but your left can still be a very effective setup punch for a crossing right or hooking right.  If your left is always in your opponents face or coming over their right, they will fear not seeing the next punch coming, I guaran'freakin'tee it.

  4. I'll go the short answer for this one. About 2-3 months of consistent training and sparring. you need good coaching though.

    Of course you will improve and go lightyears past that as you continue to box over the years.

    But to get the 'feels dangerous power' in the left. yeah about after the first couple months the left hand stops feeling like a 5th leg on a table. :)

  5. 100 years :)

  6. Just depends on your intensity level, your body, and your mechanics.

    Usually takes some about 3 months of hard training to get comfortable with the jab and left hook.

    It took me about a month, but only because I was dedicated.

    So push yourself and dont give up.

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