
How long does it take before some one turns into a ghost?

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If they die in the morning, will they become a ghost that night....5 years later???

Why doesn't everyone turn into one??




  1. These are very good questions you ask, especially the last one.

    I would also like to add a question as to why so many ghosts have no discernible identity, never seem to haunt with any sort of pattern and so rarely make themselves seen upclose or for any length of time.

    EDIT: I just love these "tunnel of light" answers.  They're a real hoot.

  2. I suppose since believing in ghosts is a matter of faith, they turn into ghosts whenever the heck you want them to. Use your imagination.

  3. It just depends on religion.

  4. Noone really knows.  I suppose you could research the Bible or Koran or some other scripture.  Take from these books what you will, as they can be interepreted a lot of different ways, which is why so many religions can be formed that claim to follow one Bible.  If they were all following one Bible, then wouldn't they all agree on everything??

  5. There's no proof of anything about GHOSTS... but I still believe it exists. I believe we all get to choose wheater we stay or go.

  6. I haven't kick the bucket yet. But to turned to a ghost (what movies say)  you must die. And have unfinished business.

  7. People who die abruptly and hide from the tunnel of light that takes us to the other side, or people who do not understand what has happened to them will become what you consider to be a ghost, when someone is a ghost the do not have the same concept of time like we do, 1,000 years may feel like ten minutes to thge, they are trapped in what they wish to see and that may not be there, eventually they will be rescued and brought back home, or they may simply realize they are dead and then they will be called through the tunnel again (You can help by telling the spirit that they are now dead and must walk into the light), spirits hoever are NOT ghosts, those are people that have passed and are on the other side and whom choose to visit us, those are usually not scary and much more ethereal then ghosts.

  8. It can happen as soon as they die.I had a family member that seen a rocking chair rocking and heard dishes being done.When they went to see who was in kitchen the phone rang saying that this persons grandma just died .they said they already knew cause her chair had been rocking and the dishes had been done.I dont know how true it is but its been told in my family for lots of years.

  9. I would say people dont turn into ghost. You have been watching too much TV.

  10. I think that only people who have unfinished business here become ghosts. They need to give reassurances to a loved one, etc. People that are settled just move on. I'd think it would be instantaneous. Either they move on or the don't.

  11. some people are afraid of god, and are scared to go into "the light" as most people know it. So when they die, they are trapped here, believing they are still alive. And i suppose it happens instantly.

  12. 3 days, 4 hours, 17 minutes, and 23 seconds.  (j/k)

    I don't think anyone can give you an informed or knowledgeable answer to this question.

    I do know part of the problem is first defining as precisely as possible the word ghost. As early as 1882 the Society for Psychical Research went with the word apparition (meaning the image of a person seen that was known to not be physically present at that location). This of course included live and deceased people. Then the SPR decided to separate living and deceased apparitions and simply decided that a postmortem apparition was someone that had died more than 12 hours ago and that a living apparition could be anyone that died less than 12 hours ago. Perhaps they thought information need time to travel but whatever the reason that was their classification method.

    Some reports had people apparently seen at the time of their death. This could be an apparition but not a ghost (as that it could be ESP from a live person). Of course we don't know if ghosts can communicate via ESP or not.

    Many current parapsychologist today believe that ghost experiences are due to ESP (acquiring information from the environment) and then projecting (hallucinating) a ghost in order to bring the information to consciousness. Note this idea would explain seeing a ghost that could not be photographed.

    Why not everyone? Why doesn't everyone in the world play the piano as well as Mozart? Why do some people choose to never attempt the piano?

    There is no one answer right or wrong.

    Some people that believe that ghosts are surviving spirits of deceased humans believe that ghost with unfinished business get stuck here until that business is finished (finding the new will, solving the murder, etc.) Buddhist believe that your attachments to earthly things will keep you stuck on Earth. While the Navajo believe that you move on but only your evil aspects stay behind as a bad spirit.

    Others believe that spirits/ghost are free to come and go as they please and visit locations and/or family members that continue to be dear to them. So that everyone is a ghost but manifest themselves different times, places, and to different people.

  13. Once a person has passed, their "soul" leaves the body(which is a shell).  

    Now, the soul may go to visit all of the loved ones at the time of their death or they may move on into the light.  Those that can't cross over, either aren't aware they have died or have unfinished buisness.

  14. You don't turn into a ghost. When you except Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you soul is carried to heaven, where you receive a new body.  Your body is left down here to do what ever with.  I suggest that you read the bible to find out what happens after you life down here on earth.

  15. Considering the fact that I've never been dead, I have no idea. And, unless you are speaking to someone who is dead and who knows, how are you going to find out someone who knows this for real?

  16. When someone dies if they wish to stay here on earth they will be a ghost the moment they decide they want to stay. other wise they choose whichever kind of afterlife they want.

  17. people dont turn into ghosts

  18. A person can be a ghost as soon as they die.  Some take a while to realize they are a ghost and others never know that they are a ghost.  Most ghost are trapped here because they didn't move on the way that they are supposed to.  Many times  it is by choice to stay and watch over family.  Others are afraid to move on because they were bad or evil in this life.  They do not want to go on because they know where they are going is not going to be a good place.  Some others still just are lost and confused and don't know what to do. It may take a few years to have a ghost show up, 1) because they have no real concept of time where they are and, 2) because it may take a little time to sort out what they are able to do now. I hope this helps you.

  19. There is no such thing as ghosts. Imagine how many people have been alive over the several million years of human history, even if only 0.1% of them "turned into ghosts" then the entire globe would be awash with ghosts and there would be no contention about their existence.

    Try thinking things like this through just a little bit.

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