
How long does it take by car to get to hitchin in hertfordshire from lincolnshire?

by Guest66795  |  earlier

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How long does it take by car to get to hitchin in hertfordshire from lincolnshire?




  1. It depends where in Lincolnshire. It's a big county!

  2. Its about 100 miles and takes around two hours as a lot of the journey is done on small roads not the motorway (freeway).

  3. Check out the route planner on AA website...its really useful!

  4. Depends on what car you are in. In a Trabant, probably a couple of days. A Ferrari Testarossa would probably be quite a bit faster. And would you be taking the direct route or be like me and take the scenic route via Cornwall? See, so many variables.

  5. I Just Farted =D

  6. I'd guess about two and half hours as there are no really fast roads (M-way) linking the two counties.

    If you use the AA website and the route planner it will give you time and distance


    about 2 hours 18 mins

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