
How long does it take for Dong Quai to flush out of your body?

by  |  earlier

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I had been taking Dong Quai for about 9 months and I stopped taking it about a month ago. How long does it take herbs (after prolonged use) to flush from your system? I have tried researching it, but when I type in the search, I get answers for marijuana.




  1. All herbs have different alkoloids.  Therefore they will clear from your body at different rates.  I seriously doubt that there has been any study done on Gong Quai and how long it takes to clear.  If there is any information you would have to look up exactly what is in the herb in question on the molecular level and then see if any studies have been done on that.  But I seriously doubt you will find anything.  At least very easily.

  2. Your body eliminates what it doesn't need, holds onto what it does.

    Why are you concerned about making it "flush out" of your body?

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