
How long does it take for Herimit crabs to mate?

by  |  earlier

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Because I have 2 herimit crabs and I want them to mate.So I can give some to my friend because she keeps begging for 1.




  1. Hermit crabs won't produce fertile eggs in captivity. The website below will tell you all about it.

  2. Hermit crabs are slow, lazy pets. I love mine, but it buries itself and is uber slow. You may not even be sure if your hermit crabs are different genders. No new babies anytime soon.

    Why can't she just buy her own hermit crab? They're super cheap.


    third paragraph midear;

  4. They won't mate, they need the sea/ocean for their eggs.  Plus I don't think it is easy to tell what s*x your crabs are...  Your friend just needs to go buy one or advertise on that she wants one or she can try adopting one off this site (under the adoption section of the forum):

  5. Hermit crabs don't mate well in captivity.  Plus, they're hard to s*x.  How do you know if you have a male and female?

  6. hmm, id say keep em together cuz they probly mate durin a certain time of year

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