
How long does it take for a cantaloupe to grow?

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Hey! I am 12 years old and i have my own garden. I planted a cantaloupe [[ pictures below ]] and i was just wondering how much longer it will take until i can eat it.




  1. Ginny is correct.  It looks like it will be a while yet.  I live in AZ, and had to harvest my first cantaloupe before it slipped off the vine, but only because it developed a crack after a heavy rain.  It was the best cantaloupe any of us have ever eaten.  Good luck!

  2. Guessing by your picture, I would say about 3-4 weeks, but alot depends on the weather, water, etc.  I live in Minnesota, and we usually start getting cantaloupe to pick in the middle of August.  This year will be different since our spring was so cold and things are way behind normal.  I will tell you the trick to knowing when to pick them...It will seem like overnight, but they will change color from green to a light cream or yellowish color and the stem will just fall off the fruit.  You should not have to pull hard at all to remove the stem...if it doesnt come right off, it isnt ready!  Good luck, and enjoy your cantaloupe...isn't gardening fun?

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