
How long does it take for a cats milk to dry up?

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My cat had kittens 5 weeks ago and her babies are eating regular soft food. My neighbor took all 5 of them because we are moving across 2 states and couldnt take them, but now my cats b*****s are HUGE with milk. How long will this take to go away? She has been away from them for 24 hours. Thanks to answers.




  1. Once she stopped nursing, her milk production will cease within 3 days. However, if the queen't teats are engorged after about a week, she should be seen by your veterinarian. Congestion of the mammary glands can result in mastitis, which is an extremely dangerous condition, if left untreated.

  2. Oh those poor kittens being separated from their mom WAY WAY too soon.  So sad.  call the vet

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