
How long does it take for a compansation cliam take maximum?

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How long does it take for a compansation cliam take maximum?




  1. 1-2 years

  2. Mine was a Road Traffic Accident claim and it took two years to settle (out of court).

  3. How long is a  piece of string.When an offer is pushed through your letter box and you accept it then the cheque should arrive in a week.But people take a claim for granted and its just not that simple.

  4. If it goes to a court battle it can take years and years.

    A friend had his back broken in a RTA.  His insurance made interim payments but it was over 20 years before he finally got full compensation.

    It kept getting adjourned every time his condition changed, with the defendant claiming that the amount should be restricted because of his limited life expectancy.

    Initially they said he would be lucky to survive 2 years!! So much for doctors!

  5. about 2 years,  if you can settle out of court

  6. depend on the claim, it can take from 1yr to 10 yrs

  7. Compansation cliam - I presume you mean a compensation claim? What was this in connection with - an injury claim on a personal accident policy? When it comes to claims, I'm afraid the claim takes as long as it takes. I know that's not very helpful but unfortunately, I'm afraid that's the case.

  8. your claim depends on a couple of things first if the company acceps responsability your claim could be done in about 6 months if not up to three years i broke my hip in an accident at work 17 months ago as the company denied it was to blame it will now go to court .my solicitor said the court date should be in the next 3 months.then of course when you get the date a lot of firms make you an offer rather than go to court i hope this helps and good luck with the claim

  9. all depends ...18 months-2 years. nhs claims 6-8 years

  10. depending  what the claim is for and how much time it takes to find witnesses and get statements and all sorts of things it could take anything from 3 to6 or7 years,It was 5 years before my Husband got his he was knocked off his Motor Bike by a Wagon delivering Mineral Water.He was in  and out of Hospital four years having bone grafts on his leg, fighting Septicema and  various things

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