
How long does it take for a hearing waiver.?

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I grew up at Ft. Bragg surrounded by the Army news. I want to be an Army public affairs specialist. But, I have less than perfect hearing. I'm sure I will fail the hearing test but not by much.

How hard is it to obtain a waiver for a non-combat position especially if my hearing isn't bad enough to affect my ability to preform my job? How long does it take to process waivers also?

I know I will fail because I have ringing in my ears that keeps me from hearing all the possible faint beeps.





  1. I use to be a recruiter. If you came to me and told me that I would smile and tap my elbow into your chest. I would then whisper in your ear that I know a trick and that it never fails. What's the trick you ask?

    Put cotton in each ear 4 days before the MEPS test. By the fourth day you will forget the cotton is even in there. You'll hear like you always have, thru bone conduction. When you arrive to MEPS and take your ASVAB, stand outside the room before the physical and remove the cotton from your ears. WOW! You can hear a mouse f**t from 2 clicks away!

    Good luck. But shhhhhh..... it's our secret.  ; )

  2. Every position is a combat position.  Every soldier must meet the exact same minimum physical qualifications.

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