
How long does it take for a horse to be sound enough to ride after a ruptured abscess?

by  |  earlier

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there is no open areas , everything is healed nicely and the infection is all gone, no signs opf tenderness or anything. So how long normally should you wait before riding again?




  1. If your horse is not lame and not tender and you have checked with your farrier or vet jump on and ride. Gently at first. If your horse is uncomfortable trotting, stick to the walk. Don't push him to do something he's not comfortable doing.

  2. wats that

  3. I don't know if your horse is shoed or barefoot so I'm going with barefoot so either way it will be better and natural

    You can start now if there's nothing visible than everything is healed. I would start on soft stuff so he can get used to soft things touching the inside of his hoof. Slowly get rougher and rougher terrain and when I say slowly I mean SLOWLY like 2 weeks of soft terrain.

    Pavement is ALWAYS good for horses no matter what as long is there are no rocks on the pavement then you can CANTER on the pavement as soon as you want.

    Sand is semi hard to transition to so you should probably try hand walking with tack on in the sand arena first if hes fine jump on him. slowly walk then trot is hes fine then hes fine for a canter around.

    I would keep a hoof pick with you when your riding at all times If you trail ride or do anything but arena work.

  4. did you forget to ask the vet this question while he was there seeing the horse?

    with what you said already i'd say it's okay for light riding to start out with to see if there's any soreness when riding and go from there, but next time i'd suggest asking the vet.

  5. If it's all healed then go ahead and ride him/her but start out slowly.  He's been off while this is going on, so let him build his strength up.

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