
How long does it take for a human brain to digest in your stomach?

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I just ate a piece of cousin is a scientist and I am at his house right now, he has a human brain in a jar in the attic...




  1. Not too long. Its like Chinese food...youll be hungry for a kidney inside an hour.

  2. 1. why would you try that?

    2. its like food cow tounge... same thing um doesn't your cousin know?

  3. As fast as your stomach can digest lasagna

  4. OK, first off, NicoleS, if you're a Dr., you would think you could figure out how to use spell check....And as to eating a human brain, are you working on a new horror film? Maybe then your teeth could grow hair, and you could pee through your pinky finger....

  5. that jar was probably full of preservative,     good job.

  6. I am going to give you my honest answer, even IF this isn't true.

    As a doctor, and a Personal Physisian, I do not know, who would let you use there brains to eat them, to see what happens.

    As swallowing any type of dead body cell, you stomach will react, and send it speeding UP out the way it came in.

    But, if digesting, a brain, which containes spegrotated (dead, AND alive) brains cells.  Will conger and mix together, will not react, because it will contain alive cells.  As this will digest, just the same as it would if you ate almost anything else, suck as a piece of popcorn, or a hamburger.  But it will come out as diareah, because the dead cells, willl still react, but not as badly.


    But then again, if these where presevatives, keeped in a jar, or acid, or vinegar, usually used to preseve stuff.  Then the cells, would wash out, or die, and you would ither puck it up, or absolutly NOTHING will happen


  7. EEEWWWWW. Do you really expect us to believe that you ate human brains out of a jar...

    Everyone knows they are the best when eaten fresh!!!

  8. 45 Days

  9. You ain't gonna care (about nothin') soon's that formaldehyde hits !!!!!

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