
How long does it take for a kidney stone to pass??

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I went to the ER almost a week ago with horrible pain and they found out that I haqve a kidney stone. I am still having pain in my kidney and im tired of feeling sick all of the time. How long does it take to pass and should i be concerned about getting an infection because im getting lil fevers too?




  1. you better go back to the doctors. Sometimes they wont pass on there own and you need to have surgery or have them break up with sound waves. This is important you go back you can damage your kidney if you waite.

  2. simple rule ,stones below 1 cm will pass eventually drink lots of fluids ,stones equal to 1 cm may or may not pass ,stones bigger than 1 cm rarely pass ,u can get an infection from stones ,or the stone was formed as a result of an infection ,drink lot of fluids and pain killers and antispasmodics ,urinary colic is the worse pain a human can face  

  3. There is no specific time.  If you don't pass the stone you should go to emergency, especially if you develope a fever or have blood in your urine. Drink LOTS of fluids and monitor your temperature.  You should also strain your urine to see if you have passed the stone.  You get a small strainer, put in a coffee filter and then pee away.  This way you can actually see if you pass the stone. Passing kidney stones is EXTREMLY painfull!!, and if you feel worse go to emergency for help. Stones can get stuck in you uretor (tube in your body that connects your kidney to your bladder) and cause an obstruction. I know this is nasty and painful, and  I wish you luck passing the stone.

  4. Unfortunately all you can do is wait for it to pass and take something for pain management or what may have been prescribed for you. However if you are or have been in "that pain" for more than two days or you are having chills, sweats, fever ect. you could have an urinary tract infection and need to go back to the doctor. After going back to the doctor, your treatment will depend on the size and location of the stone(s), whether one or more stones are blocking urine flow out of the kidney, and whether there are signs of infection. I really hope you get to feeling better. I have dealt with stones in the past and know exactly how you feel.

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