
How long does it take for a marriage license in the philipinnes if one person is American ?

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How long does it take for a marriage license in the philipinnes if one person is American ?




  1. if you're having a civil wedding, you need to apply for a marriage license first. Once a marriage is obtained, you go to a mayor or a judge to administer the solemnization of  the marriage. There is a 10-day waiting period after the wedding date before a marriage contract is issued.

  2. Assuming you and your gf have all the  complete papers (requirements); first day will be filing of application for marriage license, then there is a 10 or more days  for notice of marriage and schedule (depending availability of  the person who would officiate the wedding). On the wedding day, the couple will  have to sign  the  marriage contract,but  they cant get a copy of that   papers right away because it has to be submitted first to  the municipal city hall to register the marriage. Then is another  waiting period (maybe a week or so)  for the papers to be released to the couple. But that's not the end of it. If the marriage certificate is released, it  still  need to be  authenticated by the  NCSO (National Census and Statistics office)..maybe another  3 days or more.

    all in all  about  1 month.

  3. Took me one day.  Email me and I'll send you the lawyers phone and address.

  4. For me, absolutely void

  5. The license waiting time is 21 days, but you can get marriage and have a ceremony anytime you want within one day, especially if you are both in the right age, (over 21 and 18 years old) and not planning for a big wedding party.  Your wedding anniversary date will be the date when the license issue not the ceremony date. Usually in the provinces they will let you go and attend a seminar educate you how marriage life in the Philippines it will takes you 2 weeks waiting time for the schedule of seminar, the actual seminar takes only 2 days, thats why they allocated 21 days to finish everything.  If you are planning church wedding you need to follow all the requirements, church needed that proof that seminar, but for civil wedding, the attorney can find a way thats a one day thing only.

  6. It takes 1 day to get it but there's a 10 day waiting period before you can get married.

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