My Fiance is in the AF and is in tech school right now. His first duty station is in England. He finishes tech school in January (don't know the exact date) and is going to take about two weeks leave before shipping out to the UK. We were planning to get "hitched" when he comes home for Christmas break. I have been talking to people and I worry that is not enough time for all the paper work, visas, and passports to go through, as well as get me medically cleared so I can be in his orders. Also, after Christmas break, he goes back for a few weeks to finish school before he takes leave. I didn't know if I should go back to Sheppard with him to fill out paperwork, get cleared, and anything else I need to do, or is he able to do all that, and I stay at home till he takes leave before England. We have a recruiter in town, maybe he will be here during Christmas break, and we can fill out all the paperwork that needs to be handled here at home, and have the recruiter fax it to Sheppard. Is that possible. It seems there is so much to find out, and I need to do it sooner than later. I much appreciate all help and advice! Thanks!