
How long does it take for all the paper work to go through when Marrying someone in the Air Force. ?

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My Fiance is in the AF and is in tech school right now. His first duty station is in England. He finishes tech school in January (don't know the exact date) and is going to take about two weeks leave before shipping out to the UK. We were planning to get "hitched" when he comes home for Christmas break. I have been talking to people and I worry that is not enough time for all the paper work, visas, and passports to go through, as well as get me medically cleared so I can be in his orders. Also, after Christmas break, he goes back for a few weeks to finish school before he takes leave. I didn't know if I should go back to Sheppard with him to fill out paperwork, get cleared, and anything else I need to do, or is he able to do all that, and I stay at home till he takes leave before England. We have a recruiter in town, maybe he will be here during Christmas break, and we can fill out all the paperwork that needs to be handled here at home, and have the recruiter fax it to Sheppard. Is that possible. It seems there is so much to find out, and I need to do it sooner than later. I much appreciate all help and advice! Thanks!




  1. Actually, you won't be doing most of this. . . your fiancee will.  

    He will need to take a copy of the marriage certificate to his outbound assignments so they can add you to his orders.  

    We have a SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) with the UK so you won't need a visa like a tourist, etc.   His counselor at Outbound assignments will apply for your entrance on your husband's orders.  

    What you can do is get your medical/denal records together.   Your finance will need to take a Form 1466 to the base hospital at Shepherd so that they can ensure that the base in England is equipped to handle any medical issues you might have.  

    His recruiter isn't going to be able to help you very much with the exception of letting you use his fax machine.  However, your fiancee's counselor at Outbound Assignments should have a checklist with all the required items on it.  Your fiancee should get a copy for himself and one for you so you can both work on the items you can take care of now.

  2. You're right to want to get this started ASAP!

    I'm not sure how it is worked with overseas deployments, but if you want to go to England WITH him, I would make sure this is done sooner.   Too bad you aren't just getting hitched near Sheppard, it would make things much easier.

  3. He needs to get the paperwork done ASAP. If he starts it before he comes home for the Holiday it will help. After they fax any required papers make sure YOU have a copy and he takes the originals back with him, if you do go also (always keep several copy's of every piece of paper the military gives you). If you go back to Sheppard AFB with him you will prob have to stay in a motel for awhile so be prepared. He might want to let the 1st SGT know now he is planning on getting married while on leave.


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