
How long does it take for an English garden potatoe to grow ?

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i have been growing a potatoe in my garden now for 4 months i hae seen a little glimpse of it. When is it rready to take out. And will it be damaged by the poisinnouse fruit growing on it ?




  1. it can vary due to the weather and what time of year you plant them.

    usually you would say between 14 & 18 weeks,

    if you are refering to the little apple like fruit developed after the plant has flowered then that is usually a guide line to you to check under the plant to see what stage the potatoes have got to. just scratch under the surface till you reach the potatoes and see how they have formed. and dig them up if they seem okay if not just cover up again

    the fruit on the plant is not damaging it just part of the plants natural process. some people will tell you to pick the fruit of to avoid children eating them while it would not kill them it certainly would make them very ill.

    gardening is all about trial and error and keep inmind the results for next years crops and continue learning and at 58 i still discover things you never stop learning.

  2. PF, If you have seen a little glimpse of it then your potatoe will not be very nice, because potatoes are grown at a depth of 6" minimum. Potatoes exposed to sunlight turn green and poisonous. As for the length of the growing season, well, the main crop is planted in April and are ready for harvesting in late August/early  September.  

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