
How long does it take for an adult tooth to grow?

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I lost my last milk tooth 1 month ago. I am 16 right now and looks really awkward to have one tooth missing when you are 16. The dentist pulled my baby tooth out and said that somtimes the adult tooth takes time. How long is it going to take?

I can see the tooth coming out, but it isn't coming out fast. It has been over 1 and a half months. Does anyone know how much longer can it take?




  1. I have the same problem but i'm 15...I don't knw whats the problem!!

  2. if you are sixteen you are sort of late to be losing baby don't say at what age you had that baby tooth pulled.  you lose your last baby tooth at approx. 10-11 years. Your wisdom teeth will show up at 15-20 years of age. You should see an orthodontist. If you pull a baby tooth early, it can make the adult tooth late, but is sounds like you are late already for shedding your baby teeth.. See an orthodontist, you might need to have that tooth pulled down, and should be evaluated since you have lost a baby tooth so late. good luck!

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