
How long does it take for an e-mail to get to Australia?

by  |  earlier

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sending from Port Orange,FL at 8:30am to Warrnambool,Australia




  1. Instant.. like instant noodles :)

    New to the internet?  

  2. I agree with the jus_us......Hilarious!!

  3. Jus_us ..good one! Made me laugh, thank you!

  4. An e-mail arrives within seconds.

  5. Well thats about 11,254 miles...

    Add wind draft...

    Minus suction...

    Better allocate 1.6% for flying through polution...

    Olympics are on so.... Add another 2%...

    Oh... And Australia has a lower email to post ratio...

    So about...







    .2 seconds you jack ***. Its an INSTANT letter! Instant meaning straight away.

  6. a minute tops? idk  

  7. same as any other email only a few seconds , if you are having trouble it could be the server your using

  8. Jus_us that's the best answer ever! Made me laugh, thank you!

  9. The email would take less time than it did for you to ask this question.

  10. seconds

    email doesnt go on distance

    it goes through servers

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