
How long does it take for birds to repeat sounds?

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How often/how long do you have to reapeat a phrase or sound before a parakeet will pick up on it and say it back to you?




  1. just keep doing it untill you hear it from them. it took my budgie a few days though. my tiel has never uttered a word before. it depends. its just like how some children read and talk before others. they all have their own pace.

  2. It will take a while but say it like 5-6 times a day and they'll get it eventually.

    I hope I helped!

  3. Choose a very small word set or set of noises you want them to repeat.  And then just say it or make the noise over and over again. Don't confuse them with too many requests.  And then it does depend on the individual bird.   And also what sounds move them.  My silly cockatoo took forever to learn his name but picked up in distressingly quick order the sing song cadence of "hey batter batter batter, hey batter batter". We lived right across from a girls softball field.  He would shout it at the top of his bird lungs every morning.

  4. the best way to teach a bird to talk is to put on a tape with the same phrase over and over and this way it may take a few months if tha bird will do it some dont talk just whistle

  5. Also, they learn best in the morning when they're more awake. Different birds are better at mimicing speech, budgies are good talkers while cockatiels are better at whistling.

    With budgies as well, males tend to be better talkers then females. Is it a bird living alone as well? I've read budgies tend to learn speech better when kept as a single pet as they see you as part of their 'flock' and so encourages them to mimic you.

    Good luck, hope your birdy learns soon :)

  6. It depends. All birds are different. Also, it's best to start teaching them when they are incredibly young! Alsoalso, start repeating things in the early morning before and after you uncover their cages.

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