
How long does it take for box turtle eggs to hatch?

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a box turtle laid eggs in my yard today, june 30th. if you can, can you give an approximate date they will hatch?




  1. this is what i found.

    How long does it take? At least the summer. Probably about 3 months or so. Sometimes, however, the young will overwinter in the egg

  2. well .. thing is .. was there a male turtle around to do his part?

    i ask as a turtle laid a number of eggs in my parents yard in  so. calif.   we were excited about the idea of having little ones around.   but they never hatched ..  that poor female worked so hard too .. i bet there must have been 12 or more different places she made holes and placed eggs in.  (that was a desert tortoise though, not a box turtle)

    the neighbor who knew more about turtles then we did, explained that the female turtle - like a chicken - will lay eggs .. but if there was no male around .. nothing would result .. no little ones.  that was the case .. no little ones.

    so, take it from there ... and then as i understand .. if they were indeed fertilized, it takes about 50 to 60 days for them to hatch.

  3. usually eggs laid during the summer hatch in early October

    and especially after a big rain storm...every now and then we have had babies who didn't emerge until the next springtime,

    it would be best not to disturb the nest as the eggs don't like

    being moved or turned

    be sure to have earthworms on hand when the babies hatch

    as it's difficult to get them to start eating

    good luck

  4. It'll take about 3 months for them to hatch, so around Sept 30.  Here's a link with some info on protecting the eggs (if that's something you want to do).

  5. How long does it take? At least the summer. Probably about 3 months or so. Sometimes, however, the young will overwinter in the egg, so don't lose hope. Normally, 4-6 eggs are laid.

    Sometime in June (in Ohio at least) you may well see a female box turtle laying eggs on your property.  They prefer disturbed areas in sunny locations, so your garden or your driveway is a safe bet.   The best thing to do is to protect the eggs in place from predators.

    In general, box turtle nests have a high mortality rate due to predators such as skunks and raccoons. You probably want to protect the eggs in some way. Ideally, leave them in place. If you must move them (from your driveway, for instance), be careful to keep them right-side up - do not rotate them. Transfer them to a similar outside situation some distance away.

    For more information, you can look at this website. The FAQs are helpful!

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