
How long does it take for budgies (parakeets) to get used to you?

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How long does it take for budgies (parakeets) to get used to you?




  1. is a great source. I've had mine for 8 months and it's still not friendly though.   Different times for different birds I guess!

  2. if you just got it leave it alone for 2-3 weeks. =0

  3. Birds can be very nervous

    ive even had birds that have never

    been fully used to me

    Just give them time and love

    They should come around


  4. they will never really get used to you especially if you have more than one:)

    I kinda dont care and i let them be them :) even if they never pay attention like my cockateils i still love them and i still think they are interesting.

    But as far as being tame and finger trained i doubt as long as they have their little flock even if that is just 2 birds:)

    Sorry if this was not the answer you were hoping for

    Mine 4 parakeets are not afraid of me but they just dont care :) I never have him in the cage either :)

    Just relax and watch their natural behavior thats fun too :)

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