
How long does it take for cucumbers to produce??

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How long does it take for cucumbers to produce??




  1. 7-10 weeks covers most kinds

  2. Each type has a different maturing time.

    Long Green Slicing

    Burpless (hybrid - 62 days to harvest; the original sweet, long, Chinese-type hybrid; does well on a trellis)

    Marketmore 76 (68 days; very uniform, dark green, straight fruit; multiple disease resistance)

    Straight 8 (58 days; AAS winner; long-time favorite; excellent flavor; evenly dark green fruit)

    Long Green Slicing (compact plant)

    Bush Crop (55 days to harvest; delicious; 6-8 inch fruit on dwarf, bushy plants)

    Fanfare (hybrid - 63 days; AAS winner; great taste; high yield; extended harvest; disease resistant)

    Salad Bush (hybrid - 57 days; AAS winner; uniform 8 inch fruit on compact plants; tolerant to a wide variety of diseases


    Bush Pickle (48 days to harvest; compact plant; good for container growing)

    Carolina (Hybrid - 49 days; straight, blocky fruits with white spines; medium-sized plant with good vigor; disease resistant)

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