
How long does it take for heroin to have its immediate effects?

by  |  earlier

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That is, what is the time span between injection of heroin into the bloodstream and the feeling of the drug taking its effects.

I'm not planning on taking heroin, just curious.




  1. I've never tried it, but from what I have heard, it takes a few minutes

  2. Not long at all only seconds cause you are putting it right in your blood , but that is a monkey on your back you do not want !!!

  3. shouldnt u be "curious" about something that is at least going to progress ur life forward ....

    just a thought...

  4. ten to fifteen seconds iv, 2-3 minutes im, about five minutes snorted. me and my friends did it when we were younger; i'm one of the lucky ones: i got sober. some are dead, others spend everydaycommiting crimes for drug money.

    but if you are HELLBENT on taking opiates, get a little hydrocodone from the doctor. it's all the same!

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