
How long does it take for hydrocodone to clear a baby's system?

by  |  earlier

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I was prescribed it at 4 months pregnant and have been taking 10 to 40 milligrams a day, taking 3 to 5 day breaks occasionally. The doctor said it was okay to take but I researched it anyway and found the primary concern was the baby could withdraw from the drug. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. I am starting to second guess taking it, even with the drs approval and reading I've done on it. Please no rude or mean answers.




  1. Don't trust strangers on the internet to answer such an important question.  If you don't trust what your doctor said then go to another doctor.... immediately.  Never trust strangers with the health of your body or your unborn babies' health.

    I don't mean for this answer to be rude or mean.  I am just very concerned about you and the baby!

  2. Only you can say whether you need it. I mean, in an ideal world, you wouldn't take it - but being permanently stressed and in serious pain isn't good for baby either.

    I'm guessing you can't cope with less strong and safer medications such as paracetamol which don't cross the placenta? Maybe you can talk to your doctor about having a second medication so you can alternate which one you take - that might be safer for baby? I don't know, but it would be worth asking.

    But don't beat yourself up about it if you need it. None of us are perfect mums, and all you can ever do is try to choose the lesser of two (or more) evils. And whatever you do, don't try to come off it suddenly without medical help.

    My best wishes and I hope it all goes well for you.

  3. I have heard that it is safe to take hydrocodone during pregnancy and the only real concern is that the baby can be born addicted to it. My suggestion would be to ween yourself off of it the weeks leading up to your due date if you continue to take it throughout the pregnancy.

    I would not worry about it if it was prescribed by your OB. They usually know what they are doing and I am sure that he will ween you off so that the baby does not go through withdrawl or be born addicted to it. Don't listen to everything you read on the internet. I drove myself crazy during my pregnancy because of that and I didn't listen to it and my daughter is perfectly healthy!

    Hope this helps!

  4. im not really sure. i was given the same thing for the pain from my wisdom teeth while i was pregnant, but i decided against taking it. although they said it was okay, i did not want to put my baby at risk for any bad health because of it. if you are second guessing it, the best thing to do would be to stop and go have another talk with your doctor about other possible things you could do for pain relief.

  5. Get a 2nd opinion!

    If you have doubts and the doctor continues to say the same thing, if he/she is worth their salt they will welcome a 2nd opinion.  If not I would switch dr's immediately!  They are not God!

    Why would a dr. allow you to take a drug that will cause a withdrawal in a newborn?  That is just cruel!

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