
How long does it take for mary jane to leave your system?

by Guest62005  |  earlier

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How long does it take for mary jane to leave your system?




  1. It can stay in your system for up to 10 days..

  2. 2 weeks, 3 weeks if you want to be on the safe side, if you r doing a test just have a non-smoker friend pee in a condom and that'd do the trick.

  3. Your body clears Mary Jane from your system anywhere from 2-4 weeks.  You can possibly speed up the process by exercising, such as cardiovascular work.  THC likes to attach itself to fat cells.  So, by running on that treadmill, you're kicking those fat cells outta there.  Also, drink lots of water, preferably pure distilled water.  These methods are great for detoxing.

  4. Depends, Lets say you stop smoking today, you should be good by September 10.

    If you need to clean up for a drug test, then you can buy a drink from a smoke shop that will clean your system for a certain amount of time, often a 4 hr window. But you need to follow the instructions to the letter.

    Water and working out will help get rid of it faster, but it all depends on your metabolism.

    Or you can always use someone elses pee to pass the test :)

  5. A long *** time

    Got a drug test soon? You're f*cked

  6. it depends on how often you smoke it.  Usually 30 days and smoking it is not worth going to jail, loosing your kids (if you have any) and your freedoms.  Give it up.

  7. 30 days & that is if you are a light smoker & haven't smoked very long.  People who smoke everyday off & on through out the day & have been smoking for a few months straight THC is still in the system even after 30 days.  

  8. Depends on how much and how often you smoke. If it's a daily habit and you smoke like 2-6 times a day, you'll be clean after about a month. THC is stored in body fat, so it leaves the body slower compared to other drugs, also depending on your metabolism.

    If you just smoked once and not very much and you're under age 35, you'll pass a drug test on day 4-5, but to be safe, give it a week.  

  9. normally the day after your drug test

  10. it takes a little over 30 days.  But it stays in your hair follicle forever, (unless you cut your hair off) so some places do hair tests.

  11. ew. why would you even do it in the first place? that's disgusting.

  12. Heavily smoking, 2-3 weeks. Just a few tokes then a few days maybe.

    Just drink a load of water and you should be alright!

  13. KEEP F... WITH IT NEVER ...............

  14. It takes up to 30 days to leave your system.  I have heard that if you do not smoke everyday, it could be less, like 3 weeks and drinking tons of water and cranberry juice.

    Is this in regards to testing?  If so there are many over the counter things (drinks and even fake urine) that work.

  15. For a person who only uses it once in a great while (6 months or longer) it can take less than 24 hours to get out of your system.

    If you use it on a regular basis it will take from 2 weeks to 90 days.

  16. Stays in your urine for around 3 weeks, I think. But there are special teas you can buy to clean out your system. You'll be peeing all day but it'll get washed out.

  17. i've heard 6 weeks

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