
How long does it take for my causin who recently became US citizen, to petition for her daughter?

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Six months ago she became US citizen and her 27 year old unmarried daughter wants to move with her in the US. How long will it take for her to get her visa?




  1. Why did your cousin not petition his/her daughter earlier? If the petition for F1, unmarried sons and daughters of US citizens is done today, the wait is 8 years minimum give or take a few months. She would be 35 and possibly married by that time. (Unless she marries an American)**

  2. 1. She could have filed for the daughter when she became a permanent rsisdent with a green card.

    2. Wait times depend on what country you are from.  Me and my wife filed for her son 9 years ago and still waiting, he is in Manila RP.

    3. Good luck

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