
How long does it take for oil paintings to dry?!?

by Guest64341  |  earlier

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  1. It depends how thickly you used the paint,if you thinned the paint and what with.

    As it's on paper i presume you didn't load the paper with an impasto (3d) effect with the paint , and basically the thinner the layer of paint the faster it dries!

    If the paint is not too thick you can speed up the drying by using a hairdryer on a warm (not hot) setting or placing the paper into a warm place, preferably with an airflow across it. You will have to use your own judgment on this as if the paint is thicker these techniques will dry the top layer leaving underneath still wet and this could cause cracking.

    You could try placing a  clean piece of paper over the top and pressing down uniformly to absorb some excess paint, though this could smudge or alter the painting.

    Oils can take anything from a day or three (for "thin" works) to weeks, months and even years to completely dry out, although they can be touch dry (surface dry) much quicker.

    Next time maybe use acrylics for a quick drying project ;-P


  2. It might take a few days at maximum. I have used oil paints on newsprint as I was screen printing and that took a week, so I don't know, you could use a hairdryer or leave it in the sun or near the heaters.  

  3. i know what you mean! i simply painted an apple and it took forever to dry

    it's because of the oil, and it leaks onto the side of the drawing when you don't have a full painted picture, so you can see it stain the paper. It does depend on how much you have used, but eventually it will dry a bit it won't take forever though, 1 month?

    hope this helped, just wait till the oil stops staining the paper , because the oil stain gets bigger if its a small drawing.

  4. well it depand on how many strokes u have made on the specific  area of canves...and for my oil painting it took a complete day and i used only turpentine liquid

  5. in weather of about 72 degress about 6 to 9 days depending on the type of oil used. Linseed is about 8 days approximately. if you layed thick layers on there (impasto) then your talking weeks instead of days. keep it alla prima. it will take 6 - 9 days. You should have mixed your paints with alkyd. It takes about 1 to 3 days depending on how much you mix with your oils. This is from experience. I use cold press with my oils for better color resiliancy, so it takes alot longer to dry... about 7 to 15 days in some cases. oh, cadmium colors take the longest to dry.... Cadmiums are the bright rich paints such as : Red, Yellow, green, orange.... only if its cadmium. Zinc white takes forever to dry... sometimes about 8 days. Well, there you have it

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