
How long does it take for pubic hair to grow back and is it g*y for a guy ot have leally short pubic hair ?

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I tried to trim my pubic hair shorter cause it was getting pulled and tangled in my boxers and making bumps it was realllly long and thick but I trimmed it to short and it looks like a girl I told my friends and he said I was g*y is that only for girls and how long wil it take to grow back




  1. I've had this discussion with the girls a million times...

    believe it or not, most girls LIKE when guys shave it (or at least trim... )... Its cleaner.. uhmmm its gross when it gets in your mouth... its honestly pretty nasty when it's long... And like, i've woken up with pubic hairs in my  bed before... GROSS... honestly.. no other guy has to look at it,,, tell your friend to get over it and keep trimmin it :) most girls would rather you trim it... it'll honestly take like a week to grow back (it grows really fast)

  2. Dude, Trim always trim.

    I trim my pubes and shave the sack.. The ladies love it..

  3. why would trimming your pubic hair make you g*y? how ridiculous is that?

    it's your pubic hair. you can do whatever you want with it. trimmed always looks better.


  4. A couple days I guess and it's not g*y to have short public hair. If you naturally take a long time to grow hair on your private parts doesn't mean anything it's just your genetics. You're not a female you are a male.  

  5. Keeping it short makes you look bigger, so I doubt anyone would think you were g*y for that.

    It grows back in a few days, pubic hair is the fastest growing hair on the human body, that's why it's so curly.

  6. Heaps and heaps of straight guys trim or shave their pubic hair and no... it's not 'g*y' so don't sweat it!

    Guys like girls to look 'neat' down there and it seems that trimming and shaving is something that both girls and guys do these days.

    It will take a few weeks to grow back.

  7. Dude, your ahead of the curve on this one. Most guys I know man scape, I keep my pubes trimmed close all summer long as it helps keep it cooler downstairs. Also ladies prefer the shorter pubes too, just look at it this way would you want to go down on a lady if she had a forest growning in her pants? Probably not. So just reverse that to you and think how she feels.

    And as far as gowning back, ehh pace of normal hair.

    Also I wouldn't suggest fully shaving, when it grows back its itchy as h**l

  8. I think I've heard it all now.  Some guys (and girls) are so fixated on "g**s" that they obsess over it, from the type underwear you wear to how you cross your legs.  Now, it's trimming or shaving your pubic hair.

    What you need to do is develop enough self-confidence to do what YOU want to do with your own pubic hair.  A real man isn't worried about what some small minded individual, who can't see beyond the four walls of the little box that they live in, has to offer.  Break free and be your own man.

    You don't need a reason to trim or shave and you don't owe any body an explanation as to why you have

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