
How long does it take for s***n to travel from the testicles to the tip of the p***s when a man an o****m?

by  |  earlier

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no details really just wanna know how long in seconds, minutes, and wotnot. theres a bet goin on with my mate and his mum on this one.




  1. How the world moves on (I'm 64)

    When I was young, no one, but no one, mentioned anything about anything to do with s*x, reproduction or periods or ejaculation - ziltch.  My mother, my father, my sister and me and my two brothers managed to live altogether for 20 odd years without one mention of such things.  Daft wasn't it?

  2. Mach II

  3. s***n does not travel from the testicles. They exist to produce sperm which are then deposited in the seminal fluid sac behind the prostate gland. Once the nerve endings in the p***s are stimulated to cause ejaculation the seminal fluid, or s***n, travels from the sac to the end of the p***s in around 1/4 of a second. After ejaculation the testes create more sperms and the prostate gland replenishes the seminal fluid.

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