
How long does it take for the Biore acne cream to work?

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I've had acne since 4th grade (I'm going into 8th) and I think Biore might be the one that finally works. Can you tell me how long it takes to work? You could also give me some suggestions to other acne creams that have worked for you, especially if you have a really bad case, like i do. Thank you.




  1. A ten-year acne sufferer myself, I will show you how I cured my acne condition in 3 days the natural way, saved myself from further scarring, and stopped wasting my money on expensive medications and over-the-counter products!

    For, More Information,  

  2. Home Remedy For Pimples-Acne

    Pimples-Acne tip#1

    In gram flour add curd (yogurt) and make paste and apply on face, before it dries completely rub that. Do this for every two days. It is good to avoid pimples or acne.

    Pimples-Acne tip#2

    To avoid pimples in great extend, take fresh cinnamon powder and put it in tightly sealed bottle and take little powder mix with water and apply this only on pimples. Wait for some time and wash your face. Do this for at least 10 days to get rid of pimples


    Pimples-Acne tip#3

    Take ripe papaya and mash then apply on pimples. It is apt for avoiding acne/pimple.

    Pimples-Acne tip#4

    Apply a paste made of nutmeg, pepper and a little water. Apply on the pimples and allow it to dry. Then wash off.

    Pimples-Acne tip#5

    Mix 10 grams juice of white onions with 5 grams honey and 1 gram rock salt and apply on pimples.

    Pimples-Acne tip#6

    Apply a paste made out of ground mint leaves on the pimples and leave overnight. This will ease the pimples and clear other blemishes also.

    Never pick pimples for if you do so they leave scars.

    Pimples-Acne tip#7

    Take a little each of rice, poppy-seeds & almonds and grind to a fine powder and mix it with 2 tablespoons of curd and apply to your face. Allow it to dry for 10 minutes and then wash it off and see your skin glow and the pimple marks fade away slowly.

    Pimples-Acne tip#8

    Take out the fat from the curd and apply this curd to pimple and face and take shower after 15 minutes.

    Pimples-Acne tip#9

    Warm honey and mix gram flour and apply this paste to face. Wash with warm water after it dries. See pimples go away.

    Pimples-Acne tip#10

    Grind mint leaves and apply on pimples and wash after 5 minutes.

    Pimples-Acne tip#11

    Tulsi is a great medicine. Grind tulsi leaves and apply on pimples.

    Pimples-Acne tip#12

    Take tender neem leaves and rub with fresh turmeric this will make a best medicine to avoid pimples. Apply this paste on pimples. Do this for at least 10 days.

    Pimples-Acne tip#13

    Avoid taking oily food, sweets, fries, and potatoes. Take fresh fruits and other fresh vegetables with your diet.

    Pimples-Acne tip#14

    Don’t take more non-vegetarian. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

    Pimples-Acne tip#15

    Use medicated soaps which is recommended by your doctor.

  3. any acne treatment will take about eight weeks to make a significant improvement, and keep in mind that things will likely get worse before they get better.  

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