
How long does it take for the doctor to put the Novocaine shot in?

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I'm getting two fillings done and i am scared of shots especially Novocain. how long does it take for the doctor to put in the Novocain? on a scale of 1 to 10 how much does it hurt? how much of the needle goes in your mouth? where does it go in? please help!




  1. Unless he's trying to put it in somewhere that's difficult to get to it doesn't take long and it's well worth it.  The shot may sting a tiny bit but the pain of having your teeth worked on without it would be far, far worse.  

    My advice is get the gas.  Let them turn it up high and breath deeply to get it into you.  Especially if you're nervous, it helps a lot.  I don't even get my teeth cleaned without gas.  I'm a nervous wreck at the dentist.  I practically need it to sit in the waiting room.  


  3. Close your eyes so you won't see the needle. If you see it, you will probably start panicking.

    It takes one second for the dentist to actually put it in your gum, then it takes about 10-20 seconds for it to finish, then they pull it out again. You won't feel a thing after that. The pain only lasts one second and that is when they are taking it in and out.

    It hurts around.. 6-7.

  4. It takes seconds - like 15 or 20.  It is real fast.  They put some numbing stuff on your gums first so it doesn't hurt too bad - maybe a 2-3.  Where it goes in depends on which tooth they are numbing - if it is a back tooth it goes in the back - front teeth are worse and they shoot it around the tooth the are going to work on. It is better with novocain than without, so it is worth the little bit of pain.  Usually the whole dentist visit takes less than 30 minutes.  It won't be so bad.  Don't worry.  

  5. Actually, you don't have much to worry about. Novocaine shots only take a few seconds and soon after, you feel no pain. Generally, it feels like someone is pinching your gums and then it's done. The Dentist may numb you up in a few spots. I too hate shots and going to the Dentist is scary anyway! However, most Dentists recognize the anxiety that their patients feel and will do whatever it takes to calm you.

    If you're really concerned about it, ask them to rub some of the novocaine cream on your gums before they give you the shot. It tastes like bananas and makes you totally numb. I had some dental work done a few months ago (scaling) and they didn't use shots at all. They put the Novocaine cream on a Q-tip, left it in my mouth for about 5 minutes and that was it!

    Just relax, don't worry and it'll all be over soon.  

  6. I am a huge pain wimp so take it from's not that bad! The dentist has been trained to do it super fast and with minimal pain. I'd give it a 3 at most and it lasts about 5 seconds. It goes in your cheek and he pinches it first and even rubs some numbing stuff on it. Don't worry!!

  7. it takes like 1 second, and all it is you will feel a little pinch, and then your mouth will be numb. it actually feels cool.

  8. Takes about 5 minutes

    like a 2

    not much of the needle goes into your gums.

  9. Long enough for a paycheck that was better than last month...

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