
How long does it take for the egsell tooth to fall on a RES???

by  |  earlier

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I got an RES Today and i noticed when i got home that its eggshell tooth was still on, how long does it take to fall off???




  1. It should be gone within the first few weeks of life. Don't worry about it. It will fall off soon.

  2. Wow! Does it still have a yolk sac as well? They usually loose the egg tooth first, then finish absorbing the yolk sac, then go about a week without eating, THEN are safe to sell or move.

    Your guy sounds pretty young- you'll want to be careful with it.

  3. Eggs will hatch sixty to ninety days after they have been laid.

    New hatchlings will cut open their egg with what is called an egg tooth, which falls out generally within the  hour after hatching.

    This tooth never grows back.

    Hatchlings usually  stay inside their eggshells after hatching for the first day or two.

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