
How long does it take for the usembassy in manila to invesigate the papers for k1 visa?

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im wondering how long does it take the imbestigation of k1 visa after your papers been approeve in state..can anyone know the answer?




  1. There is no fixed time line.  If the case appears to be simple, genuine and straightforward, they can schedule the interview in just a couple of months.  If, however, they suspect fraud, it can take anywhere from several months to forever.  And there is an enormous amount of fraud in fiance cases; about one in three worldwide is fraudulent, with the US government (and you taxpayers) paying the tab for the investigations.

    Remember, a K petition expires four months after it is approved.  If the visa isn't issued in that time, the case is "dead" and nothing needs to be done to revoke it.  So if it appears to be a bad case, the consulate can simply refuse to act on it and the visa will not be issued.

  2. Give yourself atleast 6 months.. Keep in mind once the application is approved it is then sent to the (NEW) visa department (they actually donduct thre interview and issue the K1 visa. who will ask for a new set of paper work including national police files (suchas our FBI) for where the fiancee has redided.  Be prepared to do alot of fex-ex to meet deadlines.

  3. A k1 visa takes a lot of time no matter what country it is in you have to remember it is a Govt agencey investigating and they normally just take their time doing anything. As a matter of fact I knew a guy who got married in Kosovo and they have a temporary passport their since their govt is not stable and it expired every six months everytime he would put the paperwork into the state department and by the time they would get to the paperwork the passport already expired so they would kick it back this happened three or four times all lasting more than six months until he finally had to write some members of congress and a senator...... Good luck and remember you have to light the fire under their *** for them......

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