
How long does it take for water to freeze?

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I'm doing a project to see how long it takes for water to freeze.Both hot//warm and cold water.




  1. oh just try it!!!

    here is how you should do it.

    A) take the same amount of water at different temperatures. Then put them to freeze at the same temperature. observe the results and recored the data on chart

    B) have another pair of water different from A) and make sure both warm and cold are at the same amount. then put them to freeze (same temperature). observe and record data.

    C) the same but with another different of water (optional

    the more experiments you make, the better it's to understand the phenomena.

    here is how the table would look like:

    experiment----amount------initiacl water temp.---exposed temp.-----elapsed time.---

    and here is an example (made it up, so not true):

    #1.-a)  35(ml)    35F 30F   10(min)

    #1.-b)  35(ml)   90F  30F   09(min)

    #1.-c) n35(ml) 120F 30F  15(min)

    #2.-a)  120(ml)   35F   30F    30(min)

    #2.-b)  120(ml)   90F    30F    20(min)

    #2.-c)   120(ml)  120F  30F      15(min)

    3# (optional) bla bla bla

    the point of this is to leave just one varaible at the time, and the rest to stay the same so you could take conclusions about your experiment.

    for example, the table above the only one varaible that we changed was the amount. then, if you are really deep into this, you should make another chart leaving the same amount without changing initial water temp. but the varaiable that you will change will be freezing temperature.

    as you can see, this is more complex than it looks.(and that's not all, there are even more variables, believe me) So even a simple experiment as "How long does it take for water to freeze?" could be hard andfrustrating. but that's how it should be. hu, hu, hu. and we are playing to try to be like God!!!

    please answer mine:;...

  2. Your question is missing a few facts not known to us, maybe you? The amount of water and the container used, temerature of the different waters and also the temperature being used to freeze said waters.

  3. Hot - 6 to 12 hours

    Cold - 4 to 6 hrs

    could you anwser my question;...

  4. Okay?

    You don't provide sufficient information in order for us to help.

    Warm Cold and Hot are all opinions.

    For instance, I don't consider water cold until its near freezing.

    But my friend however, finds room temperature water to be cold.

    Also, different methods of freezing will freeze the water slower/faster than others. Liquid Nitrogen will freeze it in no time flat.

    Putting it in a freezer, however, will take longer.

  5. yea it basicly depends on the temperature of the water and what type of impurities in it.. or it juz a plain disltilled water..  

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